Have you ever considered furthering your education? Perhaps getting a teaching credential? I know this was something I thought of regularly while substitute teaching. However, the one thing that really discouraged me was whether I could afford to go back to school. I knew I didn’t want to go through student loans again. But, I didn’t think that there was any other option, other than trying to pay out of pocket. Even that seemed so unrealistic. On top of that, I was incredibly overwhelmed with the many credential programs that existed. There had to be one that was credible and yet affordable, right?
I came across Teachers College of San Joaquin after reaching out to a teacher I had regularly subbed for. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know if I would have found Teachers College as quickly as I did. The one thing that caught my attention was that she had told me that Teachers College (1) had you intern-in lieu of student teaching (yay for getting paid while pursuing your credential!), and (2) gave you the option to pay for your credential program from your intern-teaching income, with the exception of the pre-service program.
So, what does it cost to get your teaching credential from TCSJ's IMPACT Intern Preliminary Teaching Credential Program?
Step 1: PRE-SERVICE: Approximately $1,100
They publish their tuition chart on their website so it's easy to find what you can expect at https://teacherscollegesj.edu/Admissions/Tuition.
Have questions? Feel free to reach out to one of Teachers College’s Ambassadors or Contact Teachers College.