Anyone who has successfully completed or is working on their teaching credential can agree the most dreadful part of a California Teaching Credential is what is known as the CAL TPA’s (California Teaching Preparation Assessment). These assessments are submitted to the state and must be passed in order to obtain a teaching credential in California. Now this is not just some paper assignment or essay that can be completed in a few days. TPA’s consist of 4 steps with three to four different documents required for each step; video recordings are also needed for submission.
You might be wondering how all of these items can be completed in a timely manner, let alone pass! Well here are some tips and tricks in order to complete your TPA in a timely manner and pass without spending hours and hours preparing and worrying about this assessment.
Tips & Tricks:
Have set time limits to have completed steps of the TPA.
Gather all information for the “Getting to Know” document prior to writing.
Make the lesson have a measurable goal.
Your goal should be clear and known by the students.
Create the lesson plan prior to video taping the lesson.
Revise lesson plan to match video recording if changes were made.
Video Record lesson first in case recording needs to be re recorded.
Look at the rubric for what the videos should include and make sure those are known throughout the video.
Use the rubric vocabulary when writing TPA.
Upload TPA to the CTC in a timely manner - it takes a while to upload, do not wait until the night it is due.
Write in the [Brackets].
Reread your TPA prior to turning.
Have another teacher read your TPA.
Have a non teacher read your TPA with rubric to ensure you have answered the questions.
Use TCSJ’s helpful resources!
With planning your time and not waiting until the final hours your CAL TPA will not only get done but you will pass as well!